Anton Maiden

Doing my usual rainy day blog lurking for new music, I found this little treasure on one of my favorite metal blogs COSMIC HEARSE

Quoted from Cosmic Hearse: "You had to know that this would end up here eventually. Here's the story: Around 1999 a CDR started making the rounds of a 19 year old Swedish youth named Anton Gustafsson struggling to hit the notes over midi files of classic Iron Maiden tunes. So horrible and endearing, many thought it was a hoax, and the liner notes declaring Anton's love of collecting novelty pencils didn't help. Anton took a lot of flack from Maiden diehards who saw his tribute as insulting, but this didn't stop Anton, the songs kept coming. Anton Maiden, as he was now called, enjoyed the sort of fleeting notoriety that the internet will offer any moderately lovable weirdo. But alas it was all too fleeting and Anton, like many despondent Scandinavians, opted to take his own life in 2003."

I could only get through a few songs on this album, but the real highlight for me was the video of anton that they got from swedish tv. I have no idea what they were saying but, this is pretty much worth downloading just for the shot of him awkwardly running up a huge grass hill to his version of "Run to the Hills"

Download here