Click HERE to go to the new strange landing, everyone was crashing so we're moving on....

From the Intern

Trasher's write up says it best: John's as big a fan of skating as anyone on Earth. If this doesn't make your day and remind you to lighten up and enjoy the ride, nothing will.

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In the spirit of election day...

In the spirit of election day, I think Seth Meyers hit it out of the ballpark with this one. Trump doesn't seem to happy, nice fox Donald.

Raiders Hat

This post is for our buds over at

Crashing shit.

For some reason starngelanding seems to be crashing safari. I'm just gonna make a bunch of posts to push the fowl post down. How does this happen ? A Queer code pattern. This girl below might be the one you're searching for btw.

The video underneath I did for Color Mag welcoming Satva Leung to a short but prosperous seat in throne of their web department, enjoy. - dave