Strange Landing has a Youtube Channel

Because no one has ever had a Youtube Channel before, we're breaking ground over here. All things sweet will still go on vimeo, but all things Strange Landing sweet will be right here.
The first new vid is a little sample of my trip to Texas with Color and Circa.

Shakin' Ass

Big Freedia - Y'all Get Back Now

Scion A/V Presents: Big Freedia - Y'all Get Back Now from Bob Weisz Sucks on Vimeo.

Do yourself a favor and just make it until it gets amazing. Also check the lone curly haired white girl booty mover. - dave

Odd Future vs Nardwuar

Go Canada, Nardwuar kills it.

Odd Future Stabber

The knife girl is supposed to stab fence jumpers at the Odd Future show in the Thrasher tent at SXSW.

3 flip benny and beyond.

Joey Pepper.




GANGBANGING AT GROUND ZERO from Slam City Skates on Vimeo.
palace is my favorite company right now.


Not sure what to think about this... I hope it's really cool...
Got the link from

BAKU at Leeside

Keep it dirty.

Kenny Anderson is...

... the nicest dude ever. We partied and hung with him a bit last week at SXSW. He picked up beer for all the boys and refused to let us pay him back. He also happens to be a wizard on the board...

... but mentioning that is like beating a dead dog.
- dave

Kikkor the nuts

Filmed this video, Benny edited it. Don't say anywhere on the youtube page but it would be too weird a one for me to lie about. He's an Abby loc. - dave

barcy break.

Strange landing landed in Barcelona, Spain on February 15th for a 2 week adventure. Hustling beer hustlers on the way home from bar Manolo was always entertaining. Having an older Spanish man who we couldn’t communicate with giving Derrick a blade to protect his camera bag was RAD. Seeing a Macba local try and focus another’s crutch was an interesting situation. Everyone at Macba stopped doing what they were previously doing to see what was going on. If you've never been to Barcelona, GO. - Bradley

coming very very soon

documents of strange landing in barcelona ...

Snoop on Gaga

I've got Emily taking screen grabs for me as she trolls the trash, this one is GOLD!

Playboy Skating

Thanks Liam. Thanks ignoredprayers.

Courtesy of Adam Flynn's Facebook...

Russell Beer

Stills from a shoot Benny Stoddard and I (dave) did on Wednesday at Russell Brewery.