
If you like anything about this check out Brick Stowell.
And about the below post. Mitch, you let that shit drag out for a while...
Does anyone remember learning that there are appropriate times to start a sentence with 'and' and always thought that was the coolest.

"Starting a Sentence With Or, And or But

In the not so distant past, an English assignment daring to begin a sentence with a conjunction would have been returned with red ink splattered all over it. But, as Bob Dylan sang, the times they are a-changin'. Or rather, the rules of grammar are reverting to a mode first made fashionable as long ago as the 18th century."

All according to


stuntin like my daddy.

Its been sunny for 3 days in a row. Fuck Yeah !

I Drink Your Blood

Taken from youtube: "A band of Satanist hippies lead by Horace Bones (Bhaskar) roll into a town and begin terrorizing the local folk, raping a local girl whos grandpa goes after them. He fails and is given LSD. This bothers his grandson and he gets back at the hippies by feeding them meat pies infected with blood from a rabid dog. They turn into crazed lunatics and begin killing and/or infecting everything in their path."

V Day

Happy Happy V-day.




Momentum Wheels Yo Llama! Llama! Trailer from Momentum Wheels on Vimeo.

Trailer two of my 3 month editing Magnum opus project, Momentum in Peru, is online now. The song is by a band named 'Peru Negro' always thought that was a little weird. - dave


The old Pizza Trick.

Red Hot Chad

From the History of the Thomas Swift Original Gangsters video. Chad Murray.