He's like the G-bag that walks it's self. The G-bag you can pet. The G-bag that will never suck.

Covers Baby Covers

Concrete Skateboarding Magazine issue 106 from Strange landing on Vimeo.

Just cut this little diddy for Concrete no Powder. Another dude flew to Barcy to shoot it.

fashionable ladies

The Show 2010 Kwantlen Polytechnic from Deer Head on Vimeo.

benny and I just did this. kane has some pics on his blog.

Flyout benny !

Benny flexing his flyouts, Whister pre pre Olymipcs. The salad days perhaps, before the new sea to sky. All it took was two young men and a gardrail to have a good time in Canada's top extreme sports destination. Great form on the back one, we should go to a modern reenactment but with Montie as the kid.

back space


A walk to remember

I was talking to Frank today and he reminded me of this night.

Pretty sweet, good times, DMODW, cool vid I got to make, epic photo that Casey Macdonald has now copied for a Split ad, which is stupid. Then I saw this photo.

How did I miss the 'fucking badass' memo ? I shouldn't of been granted the privilege of coming. It's a Barrier Kult photoshoot for christs sake. Even Kelly looks like he's there to kick ass and he's way nicer than I am. Sad state of affairs when the camera guy gets infront, sorry guys. Oh, the link on the tittle goes to franks blog where you can read the whole story. You hear that ROB!


I tried to film birds today and it was really hard to get them to do what I wanted. All these little kids just threw bread and they would flock. I'm not joking at all. I hate rare birds.

Oh and I have my very own blog on Push.ca now.


just watched teeth...

Randy !!!

Randy from The Replay Theory from Strange landing on Vimeo.

the intro of the replay theory and Randy's part ! More comming soon.